Monday 13 February 2012

DAT203: Interactive Information Column/Kiosk for Bretonside

This is a mockup of one of the information kiosks that are being proposed for Bretonside; this one is situated outside one of the entrances to the Bus Station outside the RBS building:

The kiosk will provide information about the city, a map to help visitors find their way around the city, and advertise events. Touchscreen monitors will be placed in a hexagonal configuration, with the screens tilted back at a slight angle. The software will be provided by PCs that will be mounted behind each display, and both the PC and the display will have weatherproof casings to protect the equipment from harsh weather and interference. Auxiliary information, such as the time, weather, outside temperature and events feeds will be broadcast from a scrolling dot-matrix display that will be mounted around the column structure.

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