Saturday 10 December 2011

DAT204: Evolution of the design

After trying to make the website work with the originally-proposed design, I've then decided to take a different approach. Whilst trying to implement as many CSS3 features as possible, I've then discovered something that can make the website very lightweight yet powerful; in addition to the existing polyglot markup approach, I've also discovered the wonders of JQuery and AJAX.

The JQuery will be used to make the Edit dialogue hidden until the user clicks on it, and the AJAX will be used to paste the content from separate HTML documents making up the pages into the same website, via the use of tabs, without having to go to a separate page, replacing the need to press backwards whenever the user wants to go back to the previous page.

In terms of interface, I've decided to change it to one that can relate to businesses very well, with the content of the eCV centralised, so then more emphasis can be placed on the content, and with the tabs linking to the different sections coloured in a rainbow-style scheme, in a similar fashion to how Filofaxes are sectioned by colour code, or how some documents are bookmarked, to make the sections easier to remember. The goal that was envisioned in my specifications was to create something similar to Zerply, with a more business-oriented interface and a standardised layout.

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