Thursday 6 October 2011

Apple: RIP Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

Today has been the saddest day in the world of technology and IDAT. We have lost someone who revolutionised the technology world, paved way for innovation and established a fraternity that many dedicated enthusiasts like me have become part of. Without him, where would Apple be now? Where would IDAT be? Where would the creative industries be? Apple has created some of the world's best products that changed the world forever, most of all, it all started with the Macintosh in 1984. It changed desktop computing forever, because it brought the GUI to the fore, and established a role model that many competitors would later build upon. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, he introduced the computer that would change computers forever like what the Macintosh did in 1984, but this time, with features that were never seen before on existing computers that were on the market. In 1998, the iMac was born. The following year introduced the iBook, then subsequent years saw both iMac and iBook evolve, and then the PowerBook got the same design treatment afterwards. As the 21st century came, so did more products that changed the world. In 2001, the iPod forever changed the digital player market, and became the benchmark for other MP3 players, and in 2007, the iPhone was introduced. This then paved way for smartphones to become more mainstream, and brought capacitive touchscreen technology to the fore. Then in 2010, the iPad started off a new revolution that also lead to touchscreen tablets becoming more mainstream. Had it not been for Steve Jobs, Apple would have not existed to this present day, and Michael Dell's comment about shutting it down and 'returning money to investors' would have become true. Nonetheless, even competitors, especially Microsoft and Samsung, who Apple are fighting against in legal battles, are remembering the legacy that Steve Jobs left. In addition, the animation company he helped found also felt his legacy, and Disney, who owns Pixar, and who also featured Jobs in their board of directors, has remembered him very fondly. In their films, there would often be indirect references to Apple and their products, and most notable, the film Wall-E featured references to Apple in the form of the startup sound and the design of Eve, which was designed by Apple's Industrial Design leader, Jonathan Ive.

He will be forever remembered for many products, ideas and inspiration that defined a generation, and most of all, every generation will remember him the most for being one of the founders that founded one of the best companies in the world, Apple Inc. Shall he rest in peace, and shall his legacy continue eternally.

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