Wednesday 30 March 2011

IDAT 108: Last week's meeting, progress and this week's filming

Last week's meeting managed to get everything sorted for the following week, which included getting the work schedule together and getting the storyboard onto a flowchart, in order to get an idea of what scenes are to be filmed and how they are going to be linked into the Facebook element before the multiple-choice endings, which involved various scenarios. This meeting gave me a much better picture of what will be expected out of the movie project, and how long we are going to take on the movie, as well as putting the foundations in place for preparation, ready for the filming, which was my part.

The work schedule included the filming schedule, which started from about 6pm on the 28th to the party at approximately 10pm, which then formed a central part of the character meeting the new partner, before then starting to reach the decision points where the viewer decides which ending is going to be used for the end scenario.

This week, filming has already commenced on the first and the last scenes, but due to time constraints (and the fact that the USB cable for the camera had been left at the director's house by accident owing to two bottles of cider on the first day of filming!), an extra day has been added to the schedule for the next 3 last scenes before filming is all wrapped-up and then the clips editing will be done before the premiere is due on Thursday, and also before the interactive movie is due to go live. Progress, on the other hand, is going very well, and despite the short timeframe that the project was given, it looks very good and when the premiere comes, it will all be polished up ready for it's debut.

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