Sunday 19 December 2010

End of term 1: the comforts of home, and Merry Christmas!

After a successful term 1, I return home to my native Hampshire, where whenever we have snow, we have lots and lots, and much more! Adjusting to home after 4 months was quite a quick process, nonetheless I get to enjoy excellent chili con carnes, which unlike my version that I do in halls, my dad does them a lot better than mine. And also, on the subject of halls, there's a big difference: nice, lovely steamy foods are always welcome at home, whilst in halls, there's always the danger that it will trip the over-sensitive (but since been fixed) Gent 34000 series fire sounder/detectors that sound like some rather depressing two tones from a poorly-written sone and then have the wardens chase you for the money just for (unintentionally) setting them off, subsequently appealing and having that appeal fail, whilst the fridge there always smells like something's gone off (despite nothing actually going off, we stick to the best-before dates!), but at home, thanks to a bit of technology, it smells just like a brand new fridge. Also, there's tonnes of cookware at home, whilst back at halls, I have to stick to what I've got, but at the same time I can experiment with what I've got since we don't have a Lakeland Limited in Plymouth, save for a TJ's a TK Maxx too!

At least the yuletide is flowing nicely, whilst I yearn for the future ahead and of course, maintaining a successful first year at university. I do miss the friends I've met over the last 4 months, but of course there's always the interwebs, unlike 20 years ago it's letters-and-post or the telephonic devices, and also it's only going to be 3 weeks until I return to Plymouth, returning with me a completed essay, a plan for an animatic, a JavaScript game and what else I need to do as well over the holidays.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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