Thursday 30 September 2010

IDAT 108: Now I do know more technology, didn't even know it existed 1000s of years ago!

Just as I was doing homework for IDAT 108, I know realised the many different links technology had in the past centuries, even before we had what we now call technology. It was only recently that the term applied to all those fancy gadgets we took for granted in the late 20th century, and still do in the 21st century. Now let's hope that these links will come full circle at the seminar tomorrow.

IDAT 101: Street Knitter Strikes!

Apparently, in the city of Plymouth, there is someone that knits (or crochets) on street furniture in various locations across the city. So far, Wilkinsons @ the Armada Centre and the Bretonside Bus Station has been hit with beautiful, elaborate, knittings. If it strikes again, there will be more news coming soon. Stay tuned!

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Hello :)

This will be the blog I will use for my work progress in DAT at the University of Plymouth. The name kushneor comes from the Irish word cuisneoir (pronounced like the blog title, or similar to 'push me more', but with a 'K' , an 'N'  in place of the 'M' in 'me' and with the last 'M' silent) meaning refrigerator, hence this will be like Top Gear's cool fridge for everything IDAT.

More stuff will be coming soon. Stay tuned.

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