Friday 20 May 2011

General: end of year 1

Well, it has been a long time that I've been posting stuff in this blog, but rest assured that everything in year one has now been done and dusted with! It has been a very good first year, and there had been very interesting assignments and lectures over the past 8 months. I will be in the process of improving my website ( and I'll possibly be migrating my blog to there in a dedicated section so then everything will be on my website, which saves having to find everything all over the place. I am now relaxing since the hardest part, the exam of SOFT131, has now been done-and-dusted with and I think I did pretty well with that one. Only the results can tell if I lived up to the expectations.

Also, I'll soon be home as I've nearly managed to get next year's accommodation sorted out (it is just around the corner from where I am now, which is very convenient as I then won't have to make 15 minute round trips all the time!). As I re-iterate, it has been a very good 8 months, and hopefully I'll have the same for the next 8 months in September, or even better than that. We'll see when the next chapter opens up...

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